Wow. You have such deep empathy for the protesting youths. I don't think I could ever have spotted the yearning for the transcendent in the encampments. And the Roxaboxen link is profound as is one to the Nights of Cabiria.

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I think it's from teaching that age group for so long. You become sensitized to their suffering.

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May 3Liked by Julia

While I sympathize with their desire to be part of something both transcendent and communal, I don't have a lot of sympathy for these kids getting these consequences. Most of them probably haven't EVER experienced actual consequences in their entire life. Yes, this is a sucky introduction, but play stupid games, win stupid prizes. We could probably, unfortunately, say the same about our culture at large though. These campus things seem to be super charged microcosms of broader trends.

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Yes. I'm trying to understand how we've arrived at a place where the students seem to think they should be immune to the consequences of their incredibly destructive actions. Now the Columbia Law students want their finals canceled because they were "irrevocably shaken" by having police on campus. https://freebeacon.com/campus/irrevocably-shaken-editors-of-columbia-law-review-demand-cancellation-of-exams-citing-trauma-caused-by-police-presence-on-campus/

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May 3Liked by Julia

Oh brother <insert face palm> I'm thinking now I am a remnant of the last mostly sane generation. What will happen when these kids are faced with ACTUAL evil or an ACTUAL crisis in life? What has happened to us so dramatically in the last 25 years???

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I'm trying to figure that out. It can't JUST be phones.

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May 4Liked by Julia

No, I'm sure the phones just accelerated whatever was already there. I do think there has been a conscientious effort to subvert American thinking and youth going back decades. Obviously it can go WAY back if you read the work of former Communists, like Bella Dodd, who wrote in "School of Darkness" about how the NY Teacher's Union, for instance and among other institutions, was infiltrated way back in the 40's. Or Antonio Gramsci who wrote about the "long walk through the institutions," which we are probably seeing the end result of now. But more recently I'm thinking the watering down of public education accelerated under No Child Left Behind, and the disastrous War on Terror that damaged a large portion of a generation of young men and ended with a large middle finger to their sacrifices. But, ultimately, I think the worst thing that has happened to our society is all the familial breakdown, (which has been the single worst damaging factor to religious practice that I've seen), plus the coddling of kids. Our lives have been both too hard and too easy, but in the wrong order.

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Well said. I agree that the destruction of the family is at the root of all of it.

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Beautifully written, Julia!

So many reflective observations.

Thank you 😊 🙏.

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That means everything, Lady Mary. <3 <3 <3

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